Geostationary satellite images - 3:

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GMS 5 - The Far East and Australasia

GMS - whole disk area
GMS is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency to provide the Far East coverage for the Global Atmospheric Research Program. GMS is in geostationary orbit at 140°E and 'sees' a whole Earth disk that includes India in the far west, Malaysia and SE Asia (Thailand, Vietman etc.), China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand together with the Eastern Indian Ocean (and Bay of Bengal) and Western Pacific Ocean.

GMS provides coverage of the 'Taifun' (Typhoon) zone - the Indian and Pacific Ocean variants of the Atlantic hurricane.

GMS images

Images distributed in Europe

Two infra red WEFAX segments from the GMS whole disk image are retransmitted via the European Meteosat system. These images do not show the whole view from GMS - but do show the areas of most interest - the Asian mainland and offshore islands and Australasia (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Oceania).

GMS North GMS North
GMS North - Northern hemisphere
Asian mainland and offshore islands
GMS South - Southern hemisphere
Australasia and Oceania
Full disk high resolution images from GMS 5 are available via the Dundee Meteosat PDUS archive. High resolution images provide superb quality but are large files (up to 2Mb). The Dundee server provides access to current and archived images.

Dundee High Resolution Images -
Scroll down page to locate GMS data

GMS - Asia and Australasia images and Weather information

Images from the GMS platform are available from a number of sites and in a variety of formats. Many of the sites in the list below will provide links to other sites with more information.

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Page update: January 1999
This version: © St Vincent College