Steam power
Steam power as two traction engines in tandem take a pull at the tractor pulling sledge at the Great Dorset Steam Fair
Date: 08/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 23375
A Wallis and Steevens roller opens up to climb the hill at the Dorset Steam Fair - 04/09/10
Date: 09/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 18826
A trio of engines work together to take a Sherman tank up the hill at the Dorset Steam Fair - 04/09/10
Date: 09/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 18833
A Wallis and Steevens roller climbs the hill in the main arena at the Dorset Steam Fair - 04/09/10
Date: 09/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 18989
A Burrell engine climbs the hill in the main arena - Great Dorset Steam Fair, 2010
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 20195
An evening duo - as the light falls two engines attack the hill with a load of logs
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 21132
A McLaren engine works the public passenger trailer in the main arena
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 21634
Old Mac works up hill
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 30554
A Hampshire built engine - a Wallis and Steevens from Basingstoke
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 23586
Spectators at the Great Dorset Steam Fair - this is a place to wear hats, any type of hat but top hats and bowlers are 'de rigeur'
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 23316
A Showman's Engine at the Great Dorset Steam Fair
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 20109
A Showman's Engine at the Great Dorset Steam Fair
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 20068
Pride of the Fens - a showman's engine at the Great Dorset Steam Fair.
Date: 04/09/10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Views: 20712